Gary Peacock

udo matthias drums electronic software

Gary Peacock












′′Ich habe einen lebenslangen Freund verloren und einen Musiker, den ich seit dem ersten Mal, als ich ihn hörte, sehr bewundert hatte. Wir waren so froh und stolz, ihn so früh in unserem Programm präsentieren zu dürfen.“

Manfred Eicher, Gründer und Chef des Labels ECM


One of the strongest jazz recordings of the last decades shows this: ‚God Bless The Child‘ with the Keith Jarrett Trio from January 1983. A sad song by singer Billie Holiday about the hardships of childhood, here animated by gospel and blues influences Instrumental version: How Gary Peacock reacts with the bass to the pianist’s solo with lots of little counter-melodies, picks up motifs and integrates them into a groove that is as strong as it is flexible – that is always captivating when you listen to the recording again.

But how he then replaces the pianist as a soloist and turns a bluesy phrased improvisation into a poignant lament from the depths – that always makes you hold your breath. It is no coincidence that the drummer Jack DeJohnette emphasized that Peacock’s playing had a special ‚tension‘. This is exactly what can be seen again and again in the recordings of this trio.






November 15th, 2020 by